Wolfsblut Wild Boar Dry Dog Food Adult Wild Boar with Potato
recipe with natural ingredients
made with wild boar & water buffalo
suitable for allergy sufferers
with moringa oleifera
free from grain, gluten & soy
no flavour enhancers & artificial additives (except vitamins & minerals)
This Wolfsblut food is made with a focus on natural ingredients, using only food-grade meat that is free of hormones and drugs. Gluten, sugar, soy, flavor enhancers and chemical dyes and preservatives are naturally avoided. This makes the food suitable for dogs with allergies.
In addition to water buffalo and free-range meat, Wild Boar contains delicious banana and pumpkin, as well as prickly pear, turnip, hawthorn and nettle. Moringa oleifera from the Himalayas also deserves special mention, as it provides your dog with valuable antioxidants to fight free radicals, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as valuable amino acids and trace elements to help strengthen the immune system.
The Jerusalem artichoke it contains also supports the proliferation of "good" gut bacteria in the large intestine, which also benefits the immune system.
Key features of Wolfsblut Wild Boar:
Made with Wild Boar and Water Buffalo
Grain free
With sweet potato and potato
Food grade meat
Suitable for allergic dogs
No sugar, soy, dyes or preservatives
With Moringa Oleifera
Brand | Wolfsblut |
Pet | Dog |
Category | Dry food |
Ingredients | Wild boar meat (26%), dried water buffalo meat (14%), wild boar fat (9%), potato (9%), sweet potato, banana, moringa, chickpeas, pea protein, minerals, white beet, fennel, Jerusalem artichoke, parsnip, Quinoa, Papaya, Parsley, prickly pear, Spinach, Carrot, Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano, Sage, Blackberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackcurrants, Elderberries, Aronia berries, Tomatoes, Nettle, Hawthorn, Dandelion, Ginseng |
Analytical data | Crude protein 24%, crude fat 18%, crude fiber 3.5%, crude ash 10%, moisture 8%, calcium 2.11%, phosphorus 1.65% |
Best before: | Select a product variant to show the date |
Grain free | ✓ Yes |
Gluten free | Yes |
100% free of chicken (protein) | Yes |
Kibble type | Extruded |
Main protein source | Wild boar |
Life stage dog | Adult |
Dog size | All breeds |
Hypoallergenic | Yes |
Percentage protein source | 49 |
Feeding guide for adult dogs
Scroll right to view more
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Weight dog | 1-5 kg | 5-10 kg | 15-25 kg | 25- 35 kg | 35-45 kg | + 45 kg |
Daily amount | 30-90 | 90-200 | 200-280 | 280-360 | 360-440 | + 440 |
Each dog is unique and the amount of food will vary with age and activity level. Use this chart as a basic guideline and adjust portions as needed. Make sure fresh, clean water is always available.
Not sure how much food to give? Contact us and we can calculate the optimum calorie intake for your pet.