Wolfsblut Black Marsh Dry Dog Food Adult Water buffalo with Sweet Potato
classic flavour that dogs love
recipe with natural ingredients
fresh and easily digestible water buffalo
with valuable superfoods
with natural prebiotics
free from grain, corn, gluten & soy
no flavour enhancers & artificial additives (except vitamins & minerals)
Black Marsh Adult dry dog food from Wolfsblut at a glance:
Dog food on the model of the wolf
Recipe with natural ingredients
Fresh and easily digestible water buffalo as the main ingredient
Water buffalo meat has a very good ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
No grains because they are not part of the natural diet of dogs and are one of the most common allergy triggers in dogs.
Contains valuable superfoods such as sweet potato, parsnip, and spinach, as well as peppermint, Jerusalem artichoke, and cranberry with valuable nutrients.
With natural Jerusalem artichoke prebiotics
Free from corn, gluten, soy, flavor enhancers and artificial additives (except vitamins and minerals)
A classic flavor that people love to eat
Developed in partnership with veterinarians
No animal testing
Each ingredient in BLACK MARSH was developed in collaboration with veterinarians, based on the wolf's natural diet and holistic dog nutrition. This makes Wolfsblut dry food unique.
Sweet Potatoes: One of the most nutritious vegetables, according to the CSPI, because of its valuable fiber and high beta-carotene and vitamin E content.
Parsnips: Sweet and tangy, rich in calcium, potassium, folate, zinc, and vitamin C, parsnips are considered highly digestible.
Spinach: Rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as iron and important minerals such as potassium, folic acid, and magnesium, which has a relaxing effect on nerves and muscles.
Peppermint: Peppermint contains essential oils such as menthol and linalool, as well as tannins and bitter compounds, which may help with the digestive, immune, and nervous systems.
Jerusalem Artichoke: Contains high levels of inulin, which has a prebiotic effect and stimulates the growth of healthy strains of bacteria in the gut. A healthy gut flora has a positive effect on the immune system.
Cranberries: They are a veritable cornucopia of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, potassium, sodium, magnesium, polyphenols, and antioxidants. This has earned the berries a reputation as a superfood.
Brand | Wolfsblut |
Pet | Dog |
Category | Dry food |
Ingredients | Water buffalo 55% (of which fresh water buffalo meat 52%, dried water buffalo meat 3%), sweet potato 27%, pumpkin, horse fat, tomato puree, parsnips, Jerusalem artichoke, spinach, minerals, thyme, marjoram, oregano, parsley, sage, blackberries 0.1%, raspberries 0.1%, blueberries 0.1%, blackcurrants elderberries, aronia berries, carrots, fennel 0.03%, seaweed, flaxseed, beet, green beans, nettle, hawthorn, ginseng, peppermint, marigolds, cranberries, dandelion 0.1%, mannan-oligosaccharides (prebiotic MOS), fructo-oligosaccharides (prebiotic FOS), yucca schidigera extract. |
Analytical data | Crude protein 22%, Crude fat 11%, Crude ash 8.5%, Crude fiber 4% |
Best before: | Select a product variant to show the date |
Grain free | ✓ Yes |
Gluten free | Yes |
100% free of chicken (protein) | Yes |
Contains 1 animal species | Yes |
Kibble type | Extruded |
Main protein source | Buffalo |
Life stage dog | Adult |
Dog size | All breeds |
Hypoallergenic | Yes |
Percentage protein source | 55 |
Feeding guide for adult dogs
Scroll right to view more
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Weight dog | 1-5 kg | 5-10 kg | 15-25 kg | 25- 35 kg | 35-45 kg | + 45 kg |
Daily amount | 30-90 | 90-200 | 200-280 | 280-360 | 360-440 | + 440 |
Each dog is unique and the amount of food will vary with age and activity level. Use this chart as a basic guideline and adjust portions as needed. Make sure fresh, clean water is always available.
Not sure how much food to give? Contact us and we can calculate the optimum calorie intake for your pet.